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We Need Your Help

Much progress has been made to boost the organization. Yet more effort is possible only with the help of more people. More food should be available, a clinic is strongly needed, our Bible School is seeking funding in order to be completed, and teachers need to be paid.

Considerable amounts of resources has been exhausted and much of the advancement would not have been possible without the founder's limited earnings. With more help,

We accept everything from monetary donations to your valuable time and prayers.

How can you help?

Sponsor a child- or more than one- for only $20 a month. Be in charge of a child- or more than one- for only $40 a month, or $480 a year. This includes food, clothing, medical care, accommodation, education, etc. You can make a one- donation in any amount.

If you feel that you are able to donate to this ministry in any way possible, please click on the Donate button below.

Haitian Children of Hope

" Where there is no vision, the people perish" ---- Proverbs 29:18

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